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Study Abroad: What to Expect and How to Prepare Yourself?

Updated: Aug 29, 2020

It is 2020, and you don’t want to make the same mistakes going forward. For a student, plans for a new academic year are still on the way, including those related to pursuing graduation aboard. With thousands of international students applying for study abroad programs in some of the best Universities in Europe, America, Canada and Australia every year, it goes that adequate preparation is the key to doing well in academics in any part of the world. Therefore, with many things to do before travelling abroad, there are probably a thousand or so questions racing through minds of such students every time they think about how it is like to be away from home, for months or years.

In this post, you will discover how to get ready before taking the big leap. Mistakes, even little ones, can be costly, and losing a University placement because of bad behaviour, lack of fees and among other reasons is bad news you don’t want to take home. So, are you ready? Well, take a look at the list of things you will need to feel safe and sound in a new place.

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